Doctor issues...smh

Angela • Feeling Blessed

After 13 years and five babies later I’m leaving a doctor that I wants loved. I’m high risk and in the last two weeks she’s rescheduled on me five times I understand that there’s other pregnant ladies and they’re going to need her just as much as I do. But her staffing is very rude. And her back up doctor that takes her appointments wanted me to come in at 11:45 when I had an appointment at 12:30 she calls me at 11 o’clock to ask me to come in at 11:45 and with five kids and that kind of inconvenience is kind of hard. And when I asked the nurse y’all can’t wait 20 more minutes for me. I heard the other nurses and staff holler out no smartly. So I told them to take me off the schedule. That I’ll be finding me a new doctor just like that they didn’t care and said okay. A doctors staffing can make or break a doctors office some time I just stay because how great the staffing is not because of the doctor. I was so angry and mad I cried because I wish I was there so I could be a “ Karen” to there faces... lol I wish I could just know who those smart ass woman where who where being ass to me and not caring because it’s Friday and they wanted off early. I wouldn’t of cared about

Rescheduling if one I wasn’t a high risk and two I haven’t been feeling horrible lately and I’ve been having some issues that I wanted to discuss with the doctor and here it is two weeks I’ve been feeling horrible and not feeling like myself and my blood pressure being low and my diabetes have been high and trying to manage it all by myself and having a Doctor Who so busy that she can’t even talk to me on the phone and the staffing who is so rude. It’s just too much going on with this doctors office and now I’m 20 weeks having to look for a new doctor so stressful and on top of all that I’m high risk so I have to go find a Doctor Who I don’t even know who don’t know my history to take care of me and my unborn child. I just wanted to cry my face off. What a way to start the weekend.