Hoping for the best and needing advice🤞

Hi all! This is my first round of Clomid (50mg) and I have found out so much that I just need help processing it all. I’m on CD13 right now. On CD3-7 I took Clomid and yesterday (CD12) I went in for my follicle scan. Sadly, the appointment wasn’t very promising. To start off my doctor had a hard time even figuring out my uterus. She noticed that it was tilted and that it is also “horn shaped”?? She said that it has probably always been like that but I would have never of known until then. She finally finds my ovaries and notices no follicles growing eggs on my right side but did notice some fluid sitting in the tube. Do you all have any idea as to what that’s from?

She mentioned PCOS and did all of the tests and bloodwork for it but never told me definitively if I have PCOS or not. I have many of the symptoms though. 🤷‍♀️

Anyways, so then she moves over to my left ovary and only saw one growing to be 13mm. She said that it was pretty small and probably wouldn’t be a viable egg if I did release it. I am just so bummed out. All of this new information all to only find out that the Clomid didn’t really work for me. Does the size really mean that I am out for this month? I got a positive LH test today but is it even worth TTC this month. Just looking for some advice or guidance.

Baby dust to all of you ladies!!