I delivered twins via C section

Delivered my twins via Emergency C section yesterday !!!!! All I was coming in was for an appointment for a fetal ultrasound and next thing you know I was having contractions that I Couldn’t feel. So that’s when I was transferred to labor and delivery and my dr then stuck her finger in me to feel around my cervix and she said I was already dialating into 5 mins and kept coming back to check periodically and then it kept going up til it got to 10 and then she said the first baby was about just fall out so I had to be delivered via C section. Y’all I am so tired but I am happy. Unfortunately my babies had to be transferred to another hospital because they were supposed to be born in September but you know with twins they can always come early . But their weight is very low. So they had to be transferred. I called to check on them. They are doing ok for now. I think a C section is definitely less painful than pushing , they completely numbed me up which was perfect. The twins will probably be In there for a good while. Not sure how long but they are ok. Now while I’m still in this hospital I need to call around and find apartments to rent. I have the money already and everything I just need to find an apartment that’s all.