Can’t get a satisfying deep breath


We were camping last night and when I went to bed I felt fine. We were woken up at 3am due to bad storms and decided to go home (we live near by), I had a little bit of a heart burn feeling as I was driving home, once we got home and settled in to bed I felt fine but couldn’t fall asleep due to all the activity. At first I laid there fine, then suddenly I got that feeling where you constantly need to yawn to get a satisfied deep breath.

I felt like I was breathing but I just wanted a deeper breath and couldn’t satisfy that urge. I tried propping myself up with a pillow and eventually fell aseep (at 6am.)

Today the feeling has come and gone, when I’m up moving it seems better than when I’m sitting. I’m not out of breath when talking or doing anything- it’s just this urge to get a deeper breath.

Anyone else deal with this?