Tested positive for covid at 22 weeks


I got tested for covid 19 after being exposed to someone with covid. My results for 6/30 came back negative, but what was weird to me was that I had a fever the same day (6/30 & the next day) days went on and I had body aches, sore throat, loss of sense smell and taste and diarrhea. Which was confusing because I actually tested negative, so my mom pushed me to get retested, and I did this past Monday thru kaiser. This whole week while waiting for my results I started to realized that my taste and smell started to come back and my sore throat was gone. Well last night around 11pm I got my results and tested POSITIVE! My doctor called me to review my results right now and they advised me to self quarantine for 14 days. I let her know that my symptoms were pretty much gone and if it was okay to still go to my anatomy scan follow appointment on Thursday ( bc last month they found a small amount of fluid on my bag girls ventricle) unfortunately she said I can not be seen until the 28th now. Which makes the waiting game to see my baby girl and to make sure she’s ok a little bit more harder. But I am feeling okay. Thankfully my symptoms were mild. My sweet girl is always kicking me so that reassures me she’s having fun in there💕 also my husband did not get sick thank God! If anyone is going through the same thing and has questions let me know. I was so nervous when I found out I tested positive and couldn’t find a covid group. But I am here if anyone needs help💗 praying for us mamas and our babies so much 💕