I’m so confused, but I kind of asked for it

As a young child, I never wanted to celebrate my birthday because it was always a bad omen when it comes around. Every birthday that came around someone always got so drunk that they accidentally said something they weren’t supposed to say, get into drunken fights, or my parents ended up fighting.

Despite this my parent have always tried to get me excited for it a week before, even now as an adult. I always say let’s not do anything, but we end up doing something small like go watch a movie or just get dinner. This year, that hasn’t happened. My birthday is on Wednesday and still nothing from them, my fiancé, or my siblings.

I’m starting to feel like they’re finally taking my word on let’s not do anything. I know I shouldn’t be bothered by it, but I am. I guess the saying “don’t take anything for granted” really applies here.

I don’t usually work Wednesday’s, but now I’m starting to consider calling my boss to see if I can come in for an extra shift or something. Just something to distract myself from that day.