9 weeks old💕

Jade • ✨✨✨✨fraternal Twins ❤️

My twins are 9 weeks and 2 days old it’s crazy to sit here and know I gave birth to two beautiful ladies o was always one of those people who never understood what people meant by having a kids makes you You, now I completely understand my twins have showed me what love really is I have never been so terrified of losing someone until these girls were born my entire family knows how much I wanted to start a family and how much I struggled after getting off the depo I was on it for 4 years straight never told I had to change birth control in 3 years I kept getting the depo until I got a temp dr who said I never should of been on it for 3 years I was NEVER informed this I had no idea you had to change birth control in 3 years so the depo effected my period after I was taken off it I never had a period for 3 years straight I was sooo terrified I couldn’t have children after what I was told so having my girls completely shocked me and terrify me at the same time but now they are 9 weeks old and 3 days and I don’t think I could ever picture me life without them ❤️