Update on me

Miss Melissa • ♥️IVF success with Baby Girl, Emilia 8-10-21 at 42♥️

Good afternoon ladies!!! I haven’t been on GLOW for a few days and was not ready to share my news... after a few days of crying, feeling defeated and useless... I have regained my positively and am ready to move on.

Our 3 embryos stopped growing on Day 6... so our 1st cycle was a failure. Hubby and I have decided to give it one more go using my own eggs... and if that doesn’t work, we will move on to donor eggs.

I will be moving on over to the August/September group but just wanted to say thank you to all the ladies that have helped me out through this process... I e never met such a better group or fearless warriors in my life.. and i hope all your baby dreams come true!!!!

Take care!