MIL driving me nuts


I am so grateful to have such a nice MIL. She spoils my husband rotten, brings over food for us (mostly for my husband) at least once a week and she always looks for baby stuff at goodwill that is on our registry which I love.

But the woman is driving me nuts!! She is our next door neighbor and they come over unannounced all the time. Meanwhile I'm 30 weeks pregnant and not wearing much in the way of clothes so a little warning would be nice.

She called and say shes bringing food over and we already have so much food from having just bought groceries and my grandparents bring an unreasonable amount of food over so we said "please dont! We have no room for more food in the fridge and we already have so much food we wont be able to finish" and 5 minutes later she shows up with food.

I know this complaint is stupid but it REALLY bothers me that she tells me almost everytime I see her (which is a lot) that our daughter will be born on Sept 13th (she likes the 13th because my husband was born on Aug 13th) and our daughter will not be full term till the 17th! So stop wishing my daughter ill lady!! Shes not fully cooked by the 13th so stop it!

Even with covid I refuse to give up our baby shower. We had planned on immediate family only from the get go but here in Texas the governor has limited gatherings to 10 people or less. So we decided to split the baby shower up by family (my family and his family). That would make them about 15 people each which is still not ideal but my family works entirely in the medical field so we moved it to an all outdoor location and face masks are required for attendance.

My MIL on the other hand has used this opportunity to invite more people!!!

She refused to make it 100% outdoors because she wants to serve food inside and when I said "well at the very least face masks need to be mandatory for attendance", she gave me a look that said "yeah right". So needless to say I dont even want my husband and me to go. The science on pregnant moms getting covid is straight up scary and no gifts are worth potentially having to be put on a ventilator and having baby cut out of me no matter how far away she is from her due date.

She routinely listens to what me and my husband has to say and ignores us, doing what she wants. And honestly this makes me not want her to babysit. I'll make the hour drive for my mom to babysit because I know she will respect our wishes. How does she NOT know that acting this way is going to affect her babysitting privileges? Of course this is not new. My husband and I almost broke up our engagement because of her well meaning interference many years ago.

One more thing.. my cousin is planning my family's shower and asked for us to pull out baby photos of both of us. It's now a week away and I keep asking her for them and she keeps sending me pictures of my husband in his high school uniform or in a middle school play.....

Lady!!! He was not a baby in high school!!! I have specified "newborn to 1 year old" weeks ago and I just got another of him like 7.

Seriously, now i get why my husband sucks at listening.

Okay for real last thing, i am printing out shower by mail invitations today for the family and friends who we are unable to invite to the physical shower and she has yet to tell me how many she needs. She just keeps saying "I'll make my list later" or "well talk about it later." Well you rab out of later lady!!! Get it together or get nothing!

Again. Shes a nice enough woman but shes driving me absolutely nuts! Idk if it's the pregnancy hormones or the fact that i have to deal with her on the daily.. maybe both. But I just had to vent it out. Thank you to the people who actually read this! <3