Anyone sleep training/Ferber Method?

K • Trust your gut feelings enough to act on them

Been in sleep survival mode for past 3 months with our 6 mo child. Including rocking to sleep, naps in arms, co sleeping at night. No other choice due to sleep regressions. Researched and decided to sleep train using Ferber method. First night, put her in crib drowsy, after multiple interval led check ins, she fell asleep 3 hrs of crying/screaming bloody murder. Slept just under 9 hrs, we think uninterrupted. She usually sleeps 11 hrs interrupted with a 4/5am feed.Following day, put down for mid morning nap, cried for 3 hrs. Hubby and I then called it because she had been awake, hadn’t eaten in close to 5 hrs. Fed her solids and usual bottle, rocked her to sleep with pacifier. Felt terrible for her and not knowing what to do, slipped back into survival mode so she could get some sleep. Read that babies cry it out for approx an hour, and that consistency is key when implementing sleep training. If we do Ferber at night, yet not for naps, the method will be less effective, all hard work can be undone. Perhaps our little one isn’t ready, or we need to research a more suitable method to teach her self soothing. We are lost and riddled with parent guilt, however I can’t continue to nap her in my arms, it’s time for her to learn how to fall asleep on her own, especially before she sprouts a tooth. Any suggestions? What are your experiences? If we do Ferber at night, something different with naps, can self soothing effectively be learned? What is the maximum cry out we should allow? If she continues to cry past max time, will rocking her interfere with training thus require starting from the beginning?