Daycare with twins plus singleton?

Sammy Jo • MN | 30 | 💍 | 💙 8/18/2018 | #TWINS 💜💜 01/20/2021

I love my job and think I can get the flexibility to keep all 3 of them in daycare. But it will be so expensive the first year. By the time the twins arrive and I’m off maternity leave my eldest will be 33 month and in the next cheap bracket for price. My daycare does 10% eldest kid (still have to ask if they do an additional 10% for 2nd kid or 3)

Are your kids in daycare? In home or center? How does it work for your household?

Edit: apparently I need to move to where ya’ll are cause infants are $310 a week EACH and by the time my oldest is 33 mo I’ll pay $264 (w/ 10% of for being oldest) that’s $874 A WEEK!