CYST on ovary before FET / a small Vent

Queen 👑 • Second FET success! Soon to be mama to boy/girl Twins 💖💙

I am making this post just in case anybody starts frantically searching like I did when they find out they have a cyst on their ovary before starting their FET protocol!!

Over the weekend I was in the ER for problems unrelated to fertility (GI pains) everything turned out find with my stomach but a CT scan & ultrasound both revealed I had a 3.4cm cyst on my left ovary, my lining was also at 11mm & my uterus had a heterogenous appearance... this was all noted on the paperwork from the ER. I was 2.5 weeks post retrieval. Just 4 days after that ultrasound was taken I had another with my RE which revealed 2 very small cysts on my left ovary (no significance), estradiol and progesterone super low, lining at 6.1 and trilaminar (beautiful appearance per my RE) ..... big difference huh!!

We go through so damn much with <a href="">IVF</a>. Our bodies are absolutely amazing. My RE told me from the very jump that each day our bodies change (for the better/back to normal after retrieval)... i’m glad he was right! Idk why I had so much variance (especially with my lining) in just 4 days.... but I also had a check with my OBGYN which their scans correlated with my most recent scans from my RE 🙌🏼 neither my OBGYN or RE is worried & my FET schedule is actually pushed up!! Transfer date set for August 10th 😍

Ladies, im here to tell you to trust the process and your doctor! Hospital physicians are good at emergency medicine but they can literally be just about as dumb as a door knob when it comes to specialty’s like fertility. The damn ER doctor told me I had a “large mass in my abdomen” I freaked out only to further discover it was nothing more than a small cyst on my ovary... like really?!?!?! A mass bro?!?! 😑 Then they prescribe me a medicine to pick up for my GI pains, I ask the doctor “is this okay to take during pregnancy because I am trying to get pregnant”..... his reply? might you ask, “Oh idk about that, call your GYN” umm excuse me sir.... can I see your medical license because ARE U EVEN A F****** DOCTOR 😅 Anyway....

Its been an amazing day/great results for me! If anybody ever finds themself in this situation my doctor told me as long as the cyst isn’t 5cm or larger, causing pain, and/or producing hormones then its of no significance and a woman should be able to carry on with her cycle. Its all normal from being post egg retrieval 😌

Trust your body, trust the process, set backs and road blocks do happen... but in the end, the result is always the same... a healthy, beautiful baby that we’ve all been praying so hard for!!! 🤱🏻🤱🏾🤱🏽🤱🏼

Baby Dust To All 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰