Starting to feel overwhelmed and a little panicked



As I get closer to delivery, I’m starting to feel really overwhelmed about giving birth as a FTM during a pandemic. I’ve been coping well this entire pregnancy, staying positive and keeping my faith. But I can’t help but to start freaking out as her arrival gets closer. I have been furloughed since March and taking my precautions. I found out I will be back to work the last 3-4 weeks of my pregnancy until I deliver. This brightens my worry of potentially catching something, especially so close to birth. The fear of being positive and having to separate from my baby just hit my like a ton of bricks. I know this is a worst case scenario, so I’m trying to just let it go, but it’s hard. Also, being a FTM really close to my family I’ve always imagined my mom staying with me, my mother in law coming to visit frequently and introducing my baby to all my family. Now this doesn’t seem like an option. My partner will be working all day (7 days a week) so I’m really fearful of being completely alone with no help during this time of adjustment. I so badly want my family with me but I’m terrified for my babies safety. It’s all just starting to make me panic and I’ve been crying all morning. I’m sure a lot of you ladies have the same fears. And I applaud all of the woman who have already delivered and are dealing with these challenges. I just am so torn on what to do once baby girl is here. Do I allow my mom to come help (she is working and won’t be able to quarantine before). Do I not risk it and allow no one at all? Do I let my family visit her socially distanced with no contact? I just don’t really know what to do. I so badly want to share my bundle of joy with my family who are beyond excited to meet her. I just don’t known how to go about it. And if I don’t let anyone meet her, for how long??? How will I not feel isolated or alone? So many feelings, and I’m sure I’m not alone. If you’ve read to the end, thank you. I appreciate any comments or advice or your personal plan for you and ur family. Thank you. And I pray for the safety of all of you ladies and your babies ❤️