Bit of a social experiment..

I've noticed recently that I've seen a lot on people tearing each other down. People seem unhappy, maybe they are taking it out on others, maybe they are having something taken out on them. Idk.

But I've noticed I feel this way and I'm sure so many others must.

Then I've just seen a gif that said


And it just occured to me how true this really is and how much its so desperately needed right now.

So I'm asking you all to do something.

Post a photo. It could be a photo of you, your family, a DIY job, an art project, your pet. Whatever. Post a story, absolutely anything.

And let's all comment something nice! A compliment or something positive.

Let's fill this post with kindness and love and uplifting energy. Let's just let ourselves feel good and give others that boost to feel good too!