Moving past cheating

So a little back story first, last year around the same time my SO cheated on me ( physically) with his first baby momma. Well on May 7th I found text between him and his ex. She’s friends with all of his family, which makes it 12x worse for me. It wasn’t physical, but it hurts more for some reason. We’ve been working on things and he’s been trying to prove to me he’s changed. I’m having a hard time getting it off my mind. It could be because I go back to work this Sunday, and haven’t worked since last September. It could also be because this time he was talking to her about me and our relationship. He told her he was only with me for our daughter. That I was lazy and never wanted to do anything around the house and a whole bunch of other things. I am always cleaning. The day we came home from the hospital I spent the entire day cleaning even though I was in pain from over doing it, just to make sure it was a clean home for him. The day he was telling her all of this is bc When he woke up I decided to go back to sleep for an hr or two, I figured he could handle a 3 month old. Now I just feel so bad bc the messages just keep flashing in my head. It took me so long to forgive him the first time that I’m not sure I even can this time. I pretend everything’s fine and that it doesn’t bother me anymore, bc I feel like a burden if I mention it, or like I’ll push him away again. I wanna make it work, we have a daughter together and it makes it hard to walk away. I’m not sure how to forgive him this time. Honestly I’m not even sure I’m in love with him anymore. Some days I just don’t feel anything towards him, I’m just numb.