Does anyone else have low pregnenolone??


We’ve been TTC for about 2 years with no luck. I’m 34 and I suspected a hormone imbalance because I have dealt with thyroid issues and suspected endometriosis (although they can’t definitively say without surgery, theres a chocolate cyst so it’s probably there)

I recently went to an integrative MD who specializes in hormones and she ordered a massive amount of bloodwork some of which I have never had before including pregnenolone. The levels read <5 when normal is 22-237. Everything I’ve read about it says it’s the mother hormones and most of it is in the brain so Sx of deficiency include depression, mood swings, and anxiety. I don’t have any of those! I do have horrific periods, although they are regular. It says it could lead to thyroid issues (which I was Dx with at age 10 and I’ve been on meds for it since then - levels are normal) and the endometriosis. The only thing is I do have low progesterone when I’m supposed to be at my peak. I also have low vitamin d.

I was wondering if anyone else was Dx with low pregnenolone? And what you did for it? I’m a bit nervous about this new information. Thank you guys ❤️