Anyone else who uses a menstrual cup get a yeast infection during your period?


I boil my cup in a clean pot, used only for my cup, before and after my period. I don't use scented soaps (on my vagina or on my cup), and I haven't been eating a lot of sugar. I'm pretty confident my husband isn't cheating on me (when my ex would cheat I would get a a YI after sleeping with him). I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact I'm on Clomid 100mg. But I'm not convinced that it isn't my cup somehow. I've been using it every cycle since September '19. Is it just time to replace it? Any and all advice is welcome, as long as you're not going to be a jerk. I'm a pretty hygienic person. I haven't had a YI since 2014 (heavy drinking and poor diet, I was 22)