Sooo stressed out from TTC!😭

I literally cannot handle the stress of TTC anymore. I thought this was going to be the month because I did everything by the books. Charted, did OPKs, used pre seed, had sex multiples times..and guess what? AF came today on CD 23?!?!? My fertility labs are normal btw! I’m a 30 day cycle girl! How the heck does my period come over a week early?? I’ve surmised it due to stressing out!

I’m 36 and I’m super afraid my husband will leave me for a more younger fertile woman if I can’t get pregnant soon. I already have kids from a previous marriage but he wants to have his own and I haven’t given birth in over a decade. Thinking about doing <a href="">IVF</a> but I’m stressed out on how I’m going to fund it 😢 Anyone out there on the verge of their breaking point with TTC??