Experiences not using condoms?



Hi ladies,

This is my first ever post on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>! I need some advice on how to stay safe&healthy while still enjoying my sex life.

Around this time one year ago, I met the love of my life and we've been in a relationship since then. He respects me, loves me, and cares about me. Our sex life is great - he makes me orgasm crazy-intensely and we always have a great time.

The problem is after we have sex. In the past 2 months, I got UTI twice (this shit was painful!) and at the moment, I have itching in vagina with yellow-green discharge. I am going to doctor's tomorrow to figure out what this is but I just hate having to deal with the pain, burning sensation, odd wetness around my vagina, taking anibody, and going to see a doctor so often.

Our sessions involve kissing, oral (both), fingering, usual vaginal sex, and anal sex. We never go from anal to vagina (or vice versa) but we do everything else throughout the session back and forth. I am using an implant as birth control so we never use condoms. This means I could give him a blowjob then we could have vaginal sex straight after.

I have had one sexual partner in the past whereas my current partner was a virgin when I met him. I ALWAYS used a condom in the past and never did anal before. We tried using condoms at the beginning but my partner can't keep his erection. He fumbles around with the condom and by the time he puts it on, he's gone soft. On top of this, we both get super horny and we sort of just go straight into it. Primarily why I chose the implant so we could forget about the condoms. Both of us got tested for STI's before we stopped using condoms and we're clean.

I personally think the problem is not using condoms. Anyone here have any tips if you and your partner also don't use condoms but still enjoy other things?

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