Desperate for advice


My son started daycare back in February but never got a good chance to fully adjust due to being sick all the time and having to stay home a couple days a week, and then with covid he really got to get used to the idea. He had some separation anxiety starting up and he would cling to me every single second of the time he was home, but bedtime was never an issue. When daycare started opened up again we wanted to get him back in right away because he’ll need to go full time as of next week. He went for the day, he napped there no problem, but that night he started refusing to go to sleep on his crib, he would scream and cry for hours and hours until we’d just give up and bring him into our bed, something we’ve never had to do before. We ended up pulling him from that daycare center and finding a new one that was smaller with less kids, hoping that would help with the anxiety he was feeling.

He’s been adjusting really well to the new daycare, he always wants to go, he was walking in by himself, he was happy, we started gradually leaving him this week, there were some tears but never lasted long. He did his first full day yesterday, he cried a lot more than normal when I dropped him off, but the daycare last said he didn’t cry after that, he napped really good, was happy when I picked him up, then we got home.. and it was the worse I’ve ever seen him, he was miserable, refused his bath, which he never does, he cried and whines all evening, when it came time to bedtime he had a huge tantrum, and after a few minutes of convincing he came to his room, we did the normal routine (minus bath) and then when it came time to put him in his crib he started to scream and cry like I’ve never heard him, I left him for a minute maybe 2 at most and he climbed out of his crib!! He’s never done that before, ever (needless to say the crib mattress gets moved down today) he was hysterical, he’s never cried this hard before, I called him down and checked him over he wasn’t hurt or anything, and I rocked him for a few more minutes but as soon as I made any movement to get up he would lose his mind, he did the same thing as before when we left him at the other daycare, we ended up sleeping in our spare room last night because he wouldn’t let me out him down, he wouldn’t even go to his dad he would cling to me and just scream Mama.. I just don’t know what to do, I don’t want to get into the habit of sleeping with me, as we both don’t get a good nights sleep.

Anyone have an advice or similar situation they have had to deal with?
