Should I get my hopes up?

From the time I was 12 my cycle has always lasted 4 days and is always light on days 1 &4 and medium on 2&3. I never have a real heavy flow. My cycle was due on July 30 and I couldn't wait to test so I tested on July 29 FMU and about lunch time I felt light cramps but they were different and only lasted a few seconds at a time. Not like normal cramps I usually get. I started spotting around 7pm on the 29th and accepted that I wasn't pregnant and my cycle just came a day early. I spotted for a total of about 20 hours and never filled a pad and had a couple dime size clots maybe a bit smaller and since then nothing. The thought crossed my mind that it could have been implantation bleeding but I dont want to go through the heartbreak twice. Has anyone had something like this happen and turn out to be pregnant? We are a little over 3years ttc.