TMI Hemorrhoid??

Sorry for this gross question but I’ve never had a hemorrhoid before and I’m really nervous about it. 2-3 times that I went #2 it was bloody, which was starting about a week and a half ago. There was no discomfort or blood when I wiped. Then the next time or two that I went there was no blood blood at all. Today when I went there was a lot of blood again and I feel some discomfort. The times that I bled I think were definitely linked to straining and I’m guessing it’s due to an internal hemorrhoid.

I really don’t know what to do or how I should treat it. I’m really nervous, like if I go to the doctor are they going to suggest it be removed or something? Could it have been healing on it’s own until today? If anyone has had this before please help me out as a lot of the research I’ve done is very vague. Also, I’m 20 years old.