Can anyone offer any advice

Ok so this is going to be a long one. So please bare with me.

At the start of the year, my partner got a phone call from social services stating that there was safety concerns regarding his 5 year old daughter who lives with his ex. They refused to tell him what the concerns were. Just said that they was putting a plan in place so make sure she was and her brother (not my partners child) where safe. Fast forward to a few weeks call him again. This time they tell him that theres a child protection meeting in place and hes to attend. Also told him the concerns this time around. His exs current partner is a heroin addict and his ex isn't looking after the children correctly. Of course my partner when crazy saying he wanted his daughter out the house but social refused to do anything saying there is a plan being put in place.

3 days ago....the social worker dropped some paper work off at our house for my partner. WELL it's so much worse then what they told him.

1. Theres been uncapped needles around the house.

2. The house is in an horrendous state.

3. The kids aren't being fed properly and they aren't being socialized with anyone

4. Weapons have been found in the house.

5. An anonymous caller called social saying they was walking past the house and could hear the man shouting at a kid saying "you stupid bitch and to shut up before I hit you" and the kids crying.

6. This man has been seen shooting up outside the house in the garden with the kids around.

7. This man has been arrested because he was found with 10 ounces of heroin on him.

8. It's been proven the mother isn't protecting the children and isn't looking after them correctly.

9. The kids have been seen up early hours in the morning with no adult supervision and have been heard crying and screaming

Heres the thing.

Social aren't doing ANYTHING about this other then "putting a plan in place" and by the end of it they want the outcome to be "the man locks his drugs away"

My partner has been told he isn't aloud to see his daughter at the moment because social don't know IF IM SAFE ENOUGH TO BE AROUND THE CHILD?! (I'm a mother myself I have a 4 year old) The mother told social she didn't know who I was or if I was safe (she knows full well who I am, she invited me to her house for the child birthday) so now my past is going to be brought up etc which is totally fine because I've got nothing to hide. They are doing police checks on me. Again fine. Nothing to hide.

My partner is going to be getting a solicitor and trying his damn hardest to remove his daughter from the house.

But is there anything we can do about the social worker? She isn't doing her job. She doesn't listen to a word my partner says. She gets cocky. Shes rude. And shes not making sure the children are safe.