Secret parenting


Let’s say you have two parents who tell one another they are on the same page

They both agree with something along the lines of one of the following:

•Only one hour of tv a day

•Only allowed to listen to Christian music/no secular music

•No fast food

But, when one parent is away, the other parent regularly allows the children to do one of the following as long as they don’t tell the other parent

Why do you think one parent allows the children to do something they originally told their partner they were against?

Do you think that’s an unfair spot to put the children? Or is it harmless?

Do you think it’ll effect the child’s relationship with the parents in the future? Do you think it’ll effect the children’s relationships with their own families in the future?

When it comes to “secret treats” like letting a child do something they normally aren’t supposed to, when do you think it goes “too far” ?