I'm losing weight! But little support from husband


I've been dealing with being active and healthy for a long time. I start eating healthy and exercising then return to unhealthy habits after a while. This past year I've been struggling more with depression so it's made it even harder. Last week I weighed myself and I'm was at 167 and I'm about 5'4 tall. So technically I'm "overweight". It wasn't really about the number but me feeling like shit, body hurts, none of my clothes fit no energy etc. I was consuming at least 8,000 or more calories a day and zero activity. I decided to once try again. From last Monday to now I've made healthy choices and used my treadmill everyday. I even met my water intake everyday. I weighed myself today and I have lost a few pounds. I was very proud of myself for sticking to it. So, obviously I ran to text my husband about my progress. He goes "well you can't just run everyday". Everytime I try to be healthier he says things like "all you do is run you can't loose weight like that. You're not exercising enough. Why are you eating that cookie I thought you were on a diet. You always say you're going to lose weight and go back to the same. If you don't use the treadmill I'm going to throw it outside." He says he supports me but I don't see it. It gets in my head and I just quit everytime. I'm literally in tears right now because I was so proud of myself even it was a few pounds and I didn't let my depression pull me down like always. When I tell him this isn't support he gets mad and says "I am supporting you. I just won't say anything anymore. Dont tell me anything about your "diet" or how much you lost since I don't support you." I just want to show healthy choices to my kids and myself. My family is filled with health issues like cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes etc. I just want to make better choices. Not sure of I'm looking for advice or just needing to rant.