Infertility sucks


Today I’m 6 wks, 2 days after <a href="">ivf</a> transfer on July 7th.. I had some very emotional moments last week with bleeding 2 day’s before my u/s.. they determined all measured well but I had a subchronic hematoma.. I had brown discharge the day of ultrasound and day after and nothing since.. I just find it so hard.. every day is another hurdle. I now have to wait until 8/13 to see another ultrasound because they said it was too soon to check the heart rate when I went in. I guess I just need more reassurance.. my symptoms are mostly headaches, cramping and fatigue. No big nausea or morning sickness.. and I know lots don’t have it but it would make me feel more confident. I hate feeling this way.. I should be super happy and celebrating but I feel so reserved at the same time. :((