
L. • 32 yo, baby #3 due March 2022, 👱‍♂️🤰👧👶🐶🐶

My baby is 2 months old now, I bled after her birth for 5 weeks PP before it stopped completely. Since then, every so often I have extremely light pink spotting. Only a tiny tiny bit. It makes me think I’m going to get a period but then it never continues. I’m breastfeeding, and baby gets topped off with formula after nursing each feeding (due to low supply). I’m also now taking the mini pill, but this spotting also happened a couple times before I started taking it so I don’t think it’s because of that. Has anyone else experienced this? With my first child, I breastfed way less than I am now and my period didn’t come back till 5 months PP and I never had any spotting before that. Just wondering if this is normal....