Does anyone have a fear of something happening to you and your child(ren) not knowing you?


Ever since my daughter was born I’ve had this incredible anxiety over the possibility of something happening to me and that my daughter would have to be raised without me. It makes me sad to think that she would never remember me and how much I loved and cared for her. I hate knowing she wouldn’t have me there to <a href="">nurture</a> and care for her like only a mother can.

My significant other has three other children from a previous marriage, one of which is very violent and troubled, so I know that is adding to my fears. We have his kids 50% of the time and my husband is totally overwhelmed and angry when they’re with us, so I don’t feel confident that he could handle all of the children in his own. I feel that the needs of his other three children will leave our daughter neglected.

I guess I’m trying to see if this is a normal fear or if it’s caused by my lack of comfort with my home situation. Any advice on how to ensure she’s properly cared for if something did ever happen to me would be greatly appreciated as well.

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