IVF help


Looking for some advice. I am 28 years old and I’ve had one retrieval with a fresh transfer which was negative, 2 frozen transfers (one was negative, one was an ectopic) and then we PGT-A tested the remaining 5 embryos and 2 came back normal. We did 2 more frozen transfers with the normal embryos and they both came back negative. Me and my husband took a break and then switched doctors. We ran some blood tests and did biopsies (both the receptiva and ERA biopsies). The receptiva came back negative for endometriosis and the ERA came back inconclusive. My TSH is also at 2.47 and both my thyroid antibodies are slightly elevated. I have been taking birth control in hopes of doing a new retrieval and fresh transfer but now I’m conflicted if I should cancel it and redo the biopsy. Also wondering if it would be helpful to start taking Synthroid for the thyroid just in case. Any advice?

Ps sorry for the long post lol