Cramping 10 days before period every month

For about 6 months... like clock work🕑 I will have mild cramping exactly 10 to 9 days before my period everyday 🙄🙄until my period starts then the cramping goes away. I don't even have cramps once my period is here 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️. These cramps are different than my ovulation cramping. When this 1st happend I thought I was pregnant again 👀🤰🏾 because this was my 1st sypmtom with my pregnancy before. However, I am for sure not pregnant 👍🏾. I went to the doctor 4 months back and was checked for infections and everything came back in the clear 💆🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️💃🏾. My cycles are not super heavy and are alwayyys on time ... but this is new since giving birth via C-section. Makes me a little nervous and Dr. Google has been no help👩🏾‍💻👩🏾‍💻. Anyone else like this?