Little advice?

So when I first started my new job I had this guy that worked there too be so nice and talk to me the whole time I got there. I felt like he talked to me because he was attracted to me and I just felt a vibe there tbh. You girls know that feeling you get when a guy seems into you lol😂 well that same day my boyfriend at that time( single now) noticed that he was talking to me and being nice so he came to us and started hugging me infront of him. After that this guy stopped talking to me. I would try and say hi and he would say hi back in a forced way. I found it so weird that he stopped talking to me out of nowhere and I think it could have been because of my boyfriend, he stopped talking to me after seeing that he was hugging me. Since their friends I’m guessing this guy didn’t want problems.

Well now I’m single, my ex cheated and I added this guy on Instagram and I would really like to get to talk to him and see if things can lead to something more. I’ve never been on dates or know what it’s like out there because I’ve been with my ex for five years so I’ve only done that stuff with him. So I’m trying to get myself out there and hope to find someone that values me. So any advice? how could I make him shoot his shot? I’m too embarrassed to do it.