Covid testing


So I just got home from having my covid test done at the hospital and was curious...I was required to take a test 1 week prior to my scheduled csection date at the hospital even though I have not had any symptoms at all. It is required by the hospital.

What are hospitals and doctors requiring in your area with regards to covid?

I am able to bring my husband to the hospital but he checks in like a patient and can not leave our room while we are there. No visitors allowed. And we are both required to wear a mask for our entire stay, even during labor/csection.

I think that’s all of the unusual requirements. What is it like where you are? If I wasn’t pregnant with twins I may actually look at delivering at home 😳 and I would have said that was completely crazy to even consider 6 months ago!

Being pregnant during a pandemic has been interesting to say the least!

Wishing all you mamas a safe and healthy delivery!