36wks 3days


So I was admitted to the hospital last night due to regular contractions.

I got there and was dilated to a 3 and about 30% effaced. Got all the way dilated up to 5cm and 60% effaced and then contractions stopped 😫😫😫

Since I am not 37 weeks yet they refused to break my water (upsetting, but I know they want him to cook in there longer.)

As soon as we got home from the hospital BAM lost my mucus plug. And I swear it was the whole thing. Had to wipe several times (tmi) and like pull it out. It was kinda gross, not gonna lie. It was a lighter brownish color. I didn’t see any red.

Since then I’ve been sleeping (since those hospital beds are SO comfy I got just a great sleep last night lol)

So my question is, should I call the doctor about me loosing my mucus plug? I have to go back in tonight around 9.30 to get my second steroid shot for babies lungs. I don’t want to rush him if he’s not ready, but he’s already weighing in at 7lb 6oz. And that is not a premie baby.

I’ve also gotten 3 different due dates for him 8/21 8/23 and 8/31 and each time they refused to change it from the original date of 8/31.

Has anyone had this happen and ended up going back into labor later in the day?

*this is my third child. First one after loosing my plug my water broke the next day, and when I got to the hospital I was only 4cm dilated, but had her within 5.5 hours.

Second was induced labor at 39 weeks, they broke my water then around 3cm and had her within 2.5 hours.

So my biggest fear is my water breaking and him literally coming out within minutes of it happening since my previous labors have progressed so quickly.

Sorry for such the long post! But thank you for any input!💕