Reusable Pads



So i have an really heavy flow, specifically on my third day and my fourth, and this makes me so so uncomfortable. I don’t use tampons (still haven’t got the knack yet although I’m trying!) and wearing pads after a few days becomes itchy and uncomfortable. Recently i’ve been getting lots of ads for Reusable Pads, from many different websites and sellers, and they have really intrigued me. I have watched many videos on youtube, read reviews ect, but i am still unsure. Many of the videos i have watched, have been by people who have a lighter flow, and of course that will be much easier to manage than with an extremely heavy flow. I was just wondering if anyone uses reusables, or has done in the past, and could give me some honest truths and advice. Most of the reviews i have read have been boasting about how great they are, however I am not so certain. How do you manage in a social setting? How do you manage at work/school? Are they really that comfortable?! Any advise would be really appreciated as i am so close to buying my first pack of 5 and i’m unsure weather it’s worth the 30 quid!