Help guys


So my ex boyfriend and I first got together when we were 15 and were five years together. In the first year together I found out he had been talking to multiple girls, cheated and left me for another girl. Then I forgave him when he came back and then time later he did it again. Left me for someone else. Then he came back again and I forgave him but he ended up doing it again. Now this time we are 20 years old and he did it again. He broke up with me the 21st of July and didn’t admit to cheating on me at a party with this girl that knew that we were together. I found out days after when I saw that he was going on dates with her right after this party, just days after us breaking up. So he basically cheated and left me for her. At first I understood that being 15 he was so young and immature and that’s why he cheated. But we are 20 now and it happened again. All these times, he’s always gotten with someone so fast so fast it’s crazy and hes never stayed alone to either work on himself or heal from the breakup which is crazy. Its just been him being with girls to help him forget about me I guess. But do you guys think that he’ll ever change and fix it. If we were to get back together in the future or years later, would I still go through the same thing? Our relationship had ups and downs yes, but I do believe that he cared and loved me since we’ve made so many memories together and we’ve been together for a long time it’s just that I feel that he couldn’t stay committed and would prefer to explore with other females instead of staying with me for a long time. Like they say he felt that the grass was greener by going with them.