I miss my dogs

Due to moving complications, I just had to send my two sweet doggos to live with my MIL for probably 3 months. They’re being transported to her now 💔😭 I miss them SO MUCH. It’s only been two days. But they’re my doggies and they’ve been by my side for so many years. I hope they don’t feel too abandoned. They love my MIL so hopefully it’ll feel better when they arrive. I’m so grateful to my MIL for this.

We can’t bring them with us during the moving process because the place we’re moving to has really strict laws about animals and required bloodwork and paperwork. Plus with the pandemic and a mandatory 2 week quarantine in a hotel room it’s just not possible to bring them with us right now. We will legally only be permitted to bring them once we have established residency. I’m just so heartbroken. I didn’t realize how hard this would be. I hope they still love me when we get them back. I wish I could explain it all to them.