I need to blow off some steam

So my daughter is in middle school. I would NEVER try to force a religion on her. I am a pagan witch. She chose to follow in my footsteps.

She came home oneday a few months ago telling me her teach was forcing kids to read from the bible.

I of course took it up with the school. And when the teacher got in trouble for it she started bullying my daughter and calling her names like satan worshiper, satans whore, ect. So i go up to the school and bring it to her attention that not everyone is Christian. And I educate her about what paganism is, we worship the Earth and nature we dont even believe in a god or a devil. How could we worship something we don’t believe in? Exactly. We are still good people and know right from wrong and try to do good deeds. This teacher STILL tried to bully my daughter and the school will not to anything about it. 🙄 im about to take my daughter and just homeschool.