Just here to vent.

I just want to vent anonymously. I found out 2 days before school started that I would be teaching entirely virtual and it’s been a roller coaster. I love it so far but one of my students parents is a nightmare though!! The lady has gotten into my face screaming when she picked up her sons laptop when all I did was help her log into her child’s laptop. She kept accusing me of opening up the school in a pandemic while waving a finger in my face but that’s not my choice.....Then sends me nasty messages when I inform her that he hasn’t checked in. This is just policy! I literally have to do this with every single child who misses check ins throughout the day but the other parents are very kind about it... She also doesn’t want her child to participate in any of the work and just shoots me dirty looks through the webcam when she does show up.... it’s only been a week and she has called screaming over 10 times about things I can’t control. I’ve had angry parents before but you can normally figure out why they are upset. This one takes the cake though.

Update: The principal is aware and so is everyone else all the way up to the superintendent. She has called screaming at a lot of people. They are all very thrown back and flabbergasted by this person.