She doesn’t even want them

Chelsey • I`m married and have a beautiful little girl and a handsome little boy. Everything I have I owe to Jesus

My sister is 21 and is pregnant with her fourth baby. Only thing is her first 3 got taken away. She had the first until he was almost two and was taken away because of drugs and her stealing numerous things. Then she got pregnant and got that baby’s dad hooked on drugs. She got that one taken away because of drugs yet again. Some time went by and she kept claiming she had changed and all that, but never would call or go see her kids. She got pregnant again and had him in January. In June she got him taken away. Today I found out she is six weeks pregnant and there’s a toss up between two of the baby daddies of who it could be. She’s still on drugs. All of her kids have been born very healthy. I’ve never done drugs in my life and took every precaution with every pregnancy and my son is delayed, has numerous therapy’s and doctors appointments. It really gets under my skin how she can be so careless with every pregnancy and none of her kids have any problems and my child does