Wtf is her problem?

So I have this friend who I trust more than like anyone. When I had a huge fight with my SO, I vented to her about it. My so and I ended up working through that. It was over a year ago, and the whole thing was stupid. But I never expected him to be perfect.

She however fucking hates him. Told me I was a dumb bitch for not dumping him.

“You wanna be a dumb bitch and get back with him then that’s on you. It doesn’t affect me” and this was brought up randomly? It was like this ugly bitterness just came out of her about my boyfriend and we weren’t even talking about him. IT HAS BEEN A YEAR SINCE OUR FIGHT WITH NO ISSUE SINCE THEN. She’s expressed she doesn’t like him but she’s never talked to me like this.

I was like okay. I didn’t have a response to that, i honestly dont care if she thinks I’m dumb for being with him. I ignored that she said it and changed the subject and she just kept going on about how I’m a weak minded person and I was like okay, if I were weak minded I probably would have blocked you the second you started your rant about my boyfriend out of nowhere but now you’re just being a fucking psycho so why don’t you tell me what the real issue is? And she didn’t even read my message. She just went MIA after unloading that onto me.

ETA: she has her own boyfriend that she’s been with for years, and moved out of state year before last. So no, I don’t think she ever hooked up with him unless she traveled across the state and cheated on her man

Edit: I’m not doing the same thing over and over again? I KNOW she doesn’t like him so I purposely do not talk to her about him. Not even to vent. And let me mention again that things have been fine for the last year. We were not even talking about him at all, we weren’t even talking about me. If you really want details, we were discussing polygamy and our views on it.

And yes Malloy that’s why I was just taking her calling me a dumb bitch and trying to change the subject, like I know what’s going on in my relationship and I also know she really does not like the way I was treated last year and neither did i, that’s why I had a break up. But instead of throwing a 5 year relationship away, we chose to work on it. It’s been a whole year of him being really great. But I understand how from the outside looking in, she would think I’m dumb. It was the way she went about it that felt like a personal attack out of the blue.

And for the other comment, she very very rarely talks to me about her boyfriend so I don’t know what their relationship is like right now.