My Little Baby 💕 10 weeks 3 days

Devon - 💙 3 Sweet Boys 💕 Baby Girl Feb 2021💕

I had my 1st ultrasound today. Healthy baby. Heart rate 166bpm. Due March 2nd.

The entire pregnancy I never had a feeling on what this little love bug was, boy or girl. The moment she turned on the machine and I saw the baby, I KNEW this little baby was a boy. I just felt it. I have 3 little sons and we were all hoping for a little sister for all of us, but I do feel like this little baby is our little brother #4. 💜

Watching the baby move around and wave at the camera made me tear up. I feel very lucky to have had a positive appointment and a healthy heartbeat!

I took the NIPT blood test today so we should know gender for sure in about a week, but here's a picture of my baby. My sweetheart!!! ❤️❤️