Period Blood


Hey! So I am 12, and first got my period a little less than a year ago. So, I am not that experienced with all the tricks.

When I get my period, it’s not just a little blood, and by that I mean, when I fill out the log in <a href="">Eve</a>, I often hit the crime scene Button.

Because of how much I bleed, I typically bleed through my tampons and pass, and make a mess.

-I almost always bleed through my pad at night. (I typically sleep in a towel for this reason.)

-I can’t wear tampons for 3 hours without having to change my underwear, and pants because they are covered in blood.

I am just one of those people that get really heavy periods.

I have some ideas for what I can do.

-Wear black pants and underwear

-put plastic wrap on my mattress

-only wear a tampon for like 1-2 hours

-sleep on a towel

Do you think they are good ideas? Do you have any suggestions? Anything you can give me will help. Thank you.