Breastfeeding/Pumping Cart


Preparing for Baby #2! I’m due 10/4 so I’m 32 weeks tomorrow. This is my breastfeeding/pumping cart! I got the cart on amazon before we had baby #1.

The cart contains:

-Spectra S1 breast pump

-pump parts and bottles to pump into

-One of each type of bottle I have to try out with baby

-disposable breast pads

-Boob ice/heat packs

-Nipple soothing pads


-Burp Cloths

-Breastmilk Storage bags

-Bamboobies Energy boost

-Pink stork post partum support and sleep support t tea

-Boobie Bears gummy vitamins

-Legendairy Milk breastfeeding supplements

-Stool softener (Colace)

I also plan to get some drinks and snacks to put on the cart. 😁