What has annoyed you the most about your SO during this time of pregnancy ??


Mine is how my fiancé always holds in his sneezes & to me sounds like a woman when he sneezes. I’ve never met a man who holds in his sneezes before. Only women lol. I never have. Sneezing is like an orgasm for the nose! I love the way it feels. His reason is he doesn’t like “the spitting or getting wet” Like really dude that’s it?? It’s been bothering me so much among his other odd habits with this pregnancy 😂 I tell him it’s his body getting rid of what’s not supposed to be held in & just keep a handkerchief on him but he don’t listen🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well. I wish he’d just sneeze one time like normal 😅 Yes it would be very satisfying. But seriously it is so unhealthy to hold your sneezes in all the time!