Scoliosis advice.


Could scoliosis get worse in adults?

When I was 14 I found out I had scoliosis. They thought it was mild enough to not need any immediate action besides talk of a brace and pilates advice because they thought I was done growing. I ended up not getting the brace or any follow up visits. I also did end up growing a few more inches.

As the years went on I started to develope pain in my back that would come and go. I'm in my early 30's and I'm finding it hard to sit in regular chairs for any amount of time more than a few minutes without burning pain above my tailbone.

When I was in labor with my daughter I had issues getting my epidural. What should have taken 15 minutes took around 48 minutes to administer and the anesthesiologist had to get the head of the department in. Caused pain in my hip the entire time and that pain lingered for weeks.

I brought it up with a Dr last year and they said there is nothing they could do. They did not check my back, offer an x-ray or anything. They just said sorry and told me to take ibuprofen.

Any advice would be helpful. My daughter is turning 2 soon and I want to keep up with her.