Tired and frustrated

Don't get me wrong I love my son (10 weeks old). But I am just so tired. He absolutely refuses to go to sleep at night. Yes, we have a bedtime routine. No I can't afford any of those programs (taking cara babies, etc). My husband doesn't help at night due to hectic work schedule while I'm on maternity leave so it's just me taking care of him. It just isn't working.

It's almost 3am and I've tried over 7 times to get him to bed. Every single time he starts screaming 10ish minute later. I know he's tired, keeps yawning.

I'm really just looking to vent my frustration. I know newborns are hard work but this is just overwhelming and I wasn't prepared for a fussy baby with colic. These late nights just get me down.

Thanks for listening. End rant.