Social media post


I made a social media post for friends and family about when my son is born! I've seen some people ask about how to nicely say and lay down "rules" for their newborns so here is my post that I posted today! Feel free to use it if you want! 💕

Hey friends and family!

We’re officially down to our last couple weeks, so....

Here it is.

The super awkward “baby is coming soon” post that is impossible to share without sounding crabby. So this is my way to say I mean these in the nicest way possible💘

Having a baby in the middle of a pandemic is incredibly stressful on a mama that is also gifted with anxiety, these things are the smallest ways you can show us you love us and help put me at ease. For our own peace of mind, this is what we need our visitors to know.

-First and most important, please do visit! We want to see you, we want baby to see you. We are so so excited for his arrival and we want to share it with all of you! We love you all and have been so grateful for all of the love and support💘

-Due to COVID my doctor has already informed me that there will be no visitors at the hospital when baby is born. We will let you know once baby has arrived and when we are settled in at home🥰

-Due to the current pandemic and upcoming flu season, if you are sick, have been around somebody sick or showing signs of sickness, are awaiting a Covid or Flu test, or just sneezed a couple times in the row and didn’t happen to be dusting, PLEASE be honest and save your visit for a later day. We won’t be upset, we will be so thankful💘

-Please arrange your visit and do not just stop by, unless all you want to look at is the outside of our house or *bonus* potentially see me sitting half ass clothed watching tv🤪

-Absolutely NO KISSING. Not me. Not big sisters. Not the baby. If you want to give someone kisses then go for his daddy, you have my full permission😂

-Wash your hands before holding baby. Please don’t make me ask, it makes me feel ✨awkward✨

-Don’t feel obligated to clean or cook or anything. But also don’t give me a dirty look if it looks like I haven’t cooked or cleaned either🙈

-I totally understand that you’re coming for baby snuggles. Just please do us a favor and love on big sisters too! They are going to be adjusting to a new baby brother being in the house and would love to have your attention as well! We wouldn't want any meltdowns or anyone getting upset or feel like they aren't a reason you are coming over to visit💘

-If you smoke or just enjoy wearing lots of axe body spray, please bring or wear clean clothes so Broden doesn’t have to wrinkle his nose at you🙊

-If Broden is really fussy or I ask for him back, please just give him back. I know you could probably calm him, but hearing my baby cry does weird things to my emotions and also my *boobs* - so it makes it less awkward if I just take him back🤱🏻

-Lastly, please do visit! Seriously. Please don’t see this list and think it’s too much. It’s really not meant to be mean or snobby. We just want to feel like we are protecting this sweet baby as best we can💘

Thank you all so much for getting through this. It means the world to us. We love you all!