Was I wrong? He’s not speaking to me.

My boyfriend and I are long distance (same state) and have been together for over a year. It’s been going pretty good, however this past weekend my female cousin came into town and I decided to hang out with her. While hanging out with her, I would text my bf and let him know I was with her and what I was doing. The first night, he felt some type of way because I didn’t FaceTime him. The second night, my cousin and me went out to eat and I informed him again of what I was doing and he was cool with it. When I got home, he decided not to show his face when I FaceTimed him because he said I didn’t FaceTime him earlier while I was with her. We got into an argument (he thought I was hiding something from him and I literally was just hanging with her) I apologize for not FaceTiming him, however he still seem upset. I sent him a long text this morning apologizing to him and all he replied back was yeah.

I haven’t spoken to him since the text he sent me this morning. I am so mad, because first I rarely go out and the one time I do go out, he gets mad. He has a past with his ex cheating on him but I am not her! And I have been faithful to him from the beginning.

Was I wrong? Is he overreacting? What should I do?