anyone else embarrassed about their lady parts!?

Let me start by saying I nearly always get waxed. Year round, or if not full brazilian I get it bikini done and I trim.

When I was nearly 8 months I got my last wax. Haven’t been since due to COVID concerns and just generally figuring oh my doc and the nurses won’t care. I try to clean it up a little for my bathing suit, but otherwise I can’t see it and am nervous to trim. So, ladies, it is what it is. Right?!

Well. Lately it’s felt super swollen, which is supposed to be normal. Now i’m 39 weeks. My doc has been checking me since 35 and, get this, he now has this 22 year old med student with him every week. I authorized the kid to be there. But now every week that I go naked waist down and scooch down the table into the stirrups all I can think about is how ugly and swollen my vag must look. My husband tries to reassure me that the doc sees them everyday, and he chose this profession, etc., but I am literally appalled. He tries to make me laugh (he doesn’t care either way if I never waxed it he wouldn’t care) but I’m just like omg this is ridiculous.

Anyone else feel this way?! I know I’m overthinking it but what else am I supposed to do while I’m waiting for this baby to be born!