2 months no period


Hi everyone, wondering if anyone has been through anything like this? Me and my partner have been dtd every other day or every 2 days, but this is just as often we do anyway.

Last period was on 7th June, lasted 4 days, normal period. On 28th June, took a pregnancy test and had a faint positive. Tested the day after and still faint positive. Day after that, tests became negative. Carried on testing and tests were negative. Didn’t have a period in July.

Booked a dr appointment and had a blood test on 20 July, this came back negative for pregnancy, doctor advised me to wait for my next period in August. I didn’t do anymore testing and just forgot about it until..

On 6th August, I had some pink spotting which then turned brown by the evening and had stopped by the night. (Thought implantation?) No cramps with this. I thought it was odd so took a test (different brand this time) and surprise came a faint line. 4 tests all with lines, one with a stronger line than the others.

Booked a dr appointment because I then took a FRER and it was negative, they did a urine test and blood test and both negative.

Obviously I probably have been getting false positives but it’s really awful that from two different brands it has happened with! It seems I have to stick with the expensive ones now as they are the only ones that tell the truth. I’ve not been tracking as I can’t lol. I now haven’t had a period in 2 months and have no idea what is happening with my body. Just deflated. Can anyone share any experience or anything that can help me?

I’ve mentioned to my doctor that I wonder if I have PCOS, as recently I’ve been suffering with alot of hair on my chin and now my period has buggered off for 2 months! But all they keep doing is testing my blood to check if I’m pregnant and nothing else. I know your period can stop due to stress but if anything I’ve been the least stressed ever! When I got pregnant with my daughter years ago, I remember the implantation bleed and it was exactly what I had! I know the blood test is negative so I know I’m not pregnant but does anyone else think there may be another issue? Thank you and sorry for the long post xx